Contact us

contact & location

Call or mail us when you want to make a booking or if you want more information.
(no calls after 10 p.m.) Should we not be in reach of the phone: please leave a message. We will reply as soon as possible.

We look forward to meeting you and are excited to show you our lovely Noord-Beveland.

Addy van de Ven

Oostvoorstraat 2

4491 EN  Wissenkerke


You may use this form to ask a question or make a reservation
Please note that the reservation is valid after you have received our confirmation

By sending this form, you consent to the processing and storage of your personal data. See the privacy statement in our General conditions.

Let the fun begin...

The happiest part of your vacation most likely occurs way before you ever step foot in your destination. Social scientist say that just planning or anticipating your trip can give you an extra boost of happiness. So Immerse yourself by watching films and pictures on our pinterest page, or tap on the links we have put on our site to get some more information of our lovely region.
And.. don't forget: put already a pretty holiday picture as a screen-saver on your computer... it will make you feel good allready...